Have you or a member of your family or whānau been affected by cancer?
Health research tells us that simple lifestyle changes can have significant benefits to managing symptoms and improving quality of life during and after cancer treatment. Join us on this interactive, and supportive 2-day workshop to discover how to:
- Reduce stress to support coping with cancer
- Empower the mind, body, and spirit for healing
- Reframe distressing thoughts and feelings
- Eat well and move in a way that is safe and fun
- Manage fatigue and sleep well
- Explore what matters now to cultivate hope and optimism
- Support loved ones affected by cancer
Meet the Team…
Dr. Shamsul Shah is a palliative Care Specialist at Te Toka Tumai (Auckland Hospital) and Honorary Lecturer At Auckland University. Her passion and interests include whole person and compassionate healthcare, and empowering people diagnosed with a chronic illness and their whānau to make informed, meaningful choices to support their healing.
Shona Hurndell has been on the cancer journey. After treatment and joining a Cancer Healing Retreat Shona came to understand that there were some simple and effective healing techniques, we can introduce into our daily routine that will empower the body. Shona has trained as a Reiki Master, Mindfulness, emotional freedom technique-tapping and Psych K facilitator. Shona now has a business supporting others on their healing.
Anitha Vivekanandan is an Insomnia Specialist at Auckland Sleep. Before moving to New Zealand she was an ENT Surgeon and Senior Lecturer in Malaysia. Having gone through caner herself, she has a deep understanding around cancer and how sleep can be affected during different stages of the cancer journey, Anitha has given numerous talks to spread awareness and educate patents and caregivers for various organisations including, Look Good Feel Better, Cancer Society and Pinc and Steel Foundation.
Tony Bland is a certified Radical Remission Coach and workshop instructor, Therapeutic Optometrist, and research scientist currently exploring PBM. His interest lies in helping people through their health challenges by adopting effective lifestyle factors that enhance the mind, body, and spirit. Tony’s interest in cancer research, combined with an integrative approach, led him to become certified to coach and run workshops specifically designed for individuals with chronic illness. His primary goal is to empower people using 10 scientifically proven healing factors. He firmly believes in the power of hope and using these healing factors that address the mind, body, and spirit, creating a harmonious environment where the healing process can flourish.
Liz Stilwell has a background on Occupational Therapy in New Zealand. Liz trained and worked with Gawler Cancer Foundation in Australia-leading Integrative medicine lifestyle change programmes and residential retreats in Melbourne for people dealing with a cancer diagnosis. She is a registered meditation teacher, with a passion for NZ and working with lifestyle change for serious and chronic illnesses.
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Who will benefit?
Anyone diagnosed with cancer. Whānau or support person(s) are welcome.
When & Where to go…
7th and 8th of December 2024, 8.30-4.30pm
Whatu Kaimarie Marae
11 Sutherland Road, Point Chevalier, AUCKLAND
Who to contact?
Phone Shona on 0274421900 to register your interest and answer any queries.